
I've been wanting to have a blog site of my own. I know a lot of people already swoon to blogging/writing over the cyberspace so I am kinda curious how they get hooked on this type of hobby. What are the things that make them addicted to it and the satisfaction they feel. I've been very busy lately so I really didn't have the time to even browse on the net the basics of blogging. But now, after almost two years, lol, of just thinking and planning on setting up a site, I finally have one... I thought setting it up will be really hard but not at all. The challenge now for me, is making articles of my journey, experiences, and interests. I just hope that this site will not just merely be my online diary but also be a portal for meeting people, exchanging uniqe ideas, sharing thoughts. I am also looking forward to hearing advices on how to improve this site. Hope to hear from you.. Happy reading!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Name That Shoes!

Challenge your stylistic mind and test your knowledge on this simple quiz.

Know if you're a real fashionista. Ready???


1. Sandals (Slide-On Sandals)
2. Platform Stilletos
3. Mule
4. Boots
5. Clogs - shoes with open backs and closed toes, and are often referred to as mules, with the main difference being the soles and heels. Heels of a clog is a platform-type heel, and the soles are thick and sturdy.
6. Peep Toe Shoes
7. Doll Shoes/ Mary Janes
8. Pumps/High-heeled Pumps
9. Dorsay Pumps - the vamp of the shoe is cut away very close to the toe box, and the sides are cut away, revealing the arch of the foot.
10. French-heeled Shoes - has a curved, medium-high heels.
11. Sneakers
So whats your score?
Images from pinupgirlclothing.com, zappos.com, leluxe.com.

Shoe Styles 101

Here we go on one of my fetishes! S-H-O-E-S! I have been to different malls lately to buy this perfect pair of shoes that I will be using on my friends party. I was doing my window shopping on the different stalls and boutiques and then it suddenly hit me that I've been buying shoes for myself for how many years now but still dont know what to call a specific shoe type. Why do I always use this generic term "shoes"? Can I use pumps, loafers, wedges or any other terms instead? How?

So I did my research and came up with this "basic" shoe style guide for everyone. I dont know if everyone knows this and I am the only human in this planet that doesn't have any idea on it. ouch!

The List

1. Stilletos
High-heeled, pointed and thin. These are really sexy and feminine which is a good pair for your evening dresses. Also perfect for night out clubbing.

2. Sandals
Open-toed, open at the back and has a single or multiple straps. Can be used to pair up your casual dresses or even your sexy evening wear.

3. Mary Jane
Traditionally, Mary Janes are usually a rounded-toed, low heeled shoe with a cross strap on the middle top but now Mary Janes can be of any height or be high-heeled too. Seeing those Mary Janes really takes us back on our school days when we are still wearing our cute uniforms.

4.Peep Toe Shoe
Has a small opening at the tip, just a small opening to show off the toes but not the whole toe line.

5. Wedge
The heel extends from the back up to the front. Can have single or multiple strappings.

6. Pumps
Low cut shoes without any straps or fastenings.

7. Ballerina Flats
A flat-heeled, enclosed and low-cut shoes. Easy to slip-on and leaves the top of your foot exposed. A very comfortable type of shoes.

8. Mule
It is a slip-on, exposed at the back but covered in the front.

9. Platform
Thick soles right under the foot and usually combined with wedges or heels.

Are you really hip and a real fashionista? Take the dare? Try my "Name that Shoes" exam and test your knowledge.

Images from blogs.glam.com, pinupgirlclothing.com, leluxe.com, ssasychic.com

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fashion Must-Haves this '09

Improving our own looks has been everyone's concern, admit it! So, here are some of the experts tips on having a hip style this year. So checkout your closet if you hit or miss on this coolest ensembles and newest trend in the market.

But always remember girls, trends are cool and fun but not permanent and really changes fast, it is still a smart move if you buy pieces which will have lasting power no matter what the trend is.

1. Jumpsuits/Rompers/Playsuits
What's the difference between the three? Basically, jumpsuits are long, rompers are short and playsuits are more likely a romper but more casual in style.
Actually I just bought one two weeks ago and was glad to know that this is one of the must-haves this year. Bought mine for 500 bucks in a Baclaran when my mom and I was shopping for some goody stuffs for a kiddie party. Hmmm... I wonder how much jumpsuits cost in the mall?

What do you think of this trend? Do you have one?

2. White Dresses
White dresses are IT this season. It makes you feel vibrant, neat and sassy. But girls usually prefer black over the white dresses for they think black will make you look slimmer. But always remember to choose a dress that best suits your body type, always consider the cut or patterns of the dress and voila! here's your super hip chic.

What suits you? a black or a white dress?

3. Blazers
Blazers are a must-have specially for working ladies. It usually spice up our everyday office wardrobes. For a complete look, pair it up with your stylish stilettos.

Some of styles also forecasted to be a hit this year are the following:

4. Asymmetrical Tops
5. Earth-colored outfits (beige, light brown)
6. Pleated Shorts
7. Maxi Dresses (the one that almost touches your feet or the ground)
8. Ruffled Shirts

So girls, what do you think about the trend this year? Are you a hit or a miss?