
I've been wanting to have a blog site of my own. I know a lot of people already swoon to blogging/writing over the cyberspace so I am kinda curious how they get hooked on this type of hobby. What are the things that make them addicted to it and the satisfaction they feel. I've been very busy lately so I really didn't have the time to even browse on the net the basics of blogging. But now, after almost two years, lol, of just thinking and planning on setting up a site, I finally have one... I thought setting it up will be really hard but not at all. The challenge now for me, is making articles of my journey, experiences, and interests. I just hope that this site will not just merely be my online diary but also be a portal for meeting people, exchanging uniqe ideas, sharing thoughts. I am also looking forward to hearing advices on how to improve this site. Hope to hear from you.. Happy reading!

Monday, June 15, 2009


Song lyrics | Halo lyrics


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fave Quote

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts - Free League Management

Love doesn't require two people to look at each other but to look together in the same direction....

I remember this quote from one of the magazines I've read way back in College. I wrote it in one of my notebooks before,,, I even wrote the name of the author of this one. I was moved by its meaning....

Can you share one of your fave quotes?